7 Actionable Tips to Get Your Board Members More Engaged Today!
One of the key ways to get your nonprofit on the right track for 2024 is to make sure you and your board are on the same page - and engaged. Take action on these 7 things to move your nonprofit organization forward.
What are the Roles & Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board Member?
What does a nonprofit board of directors do? What are the primary roles and responsibilities of a board member of a nonprofit organization? What does effective board governance look like? The answers to these questions are not intuitive.
#1 Step to Get Your Nonprofit Board Positioned for Success in 2025
Maintaining an effective nonprofit board isn’t rocket science, but it does involve intention. And, although you might tell yourself “they’re technically my boss,” if you want to have a badass nonprofit and move your agency to the next level, YOU need to know what might be going “wrong” with your board so you can develop strategies to fix the board issues!
The #1 Mistake Nonprofit Executive Directors Make
So, your board just had a discussion about the organization’s allocation of staff and resources over the coming months? They’re debating whether the proposed new service fits into your mission?
These meetings start out fine. But then, someone goes deep. They give an example of a potential problem, or they ask how we should handle this minor detail, or they give their opinion about some small item. That’s where it starts. And, then we get drawn into “the enticing complexity of operations.”
4 Common Mistakes Nonprofits Make on Solicitation Letters
Even in the age of digital marketing, solicitation letters are a key part of any fundraising plan. Over and over and over again I see nonprofits send out correspondence for solicitation letters with the wrong messaging, the wrong formatting, and no direct ask...
What does a good Board of Directors do?
A board of directors is a group of volunteers who oversee the nonprofit organization they represent. Read this post to learn more about how a good board of directors operate.